11gR2 oracle restart 单机使用asm存储 主机名发生更改并且主机重启后处理过程:
1. Remove Oracle Restart configuration
This step should be performed as privileged (root) user.ITPUB个人空间)\$g X\C{^ITPUB个人空间U Q}e3l,v;Z# $GRID_HOME/crs/install/roothas.pl -deconfig -force
2. Reconfigure Oracle RestartITPUB个人空间L[}:xD4VX R]
This step should also be performed as privileged (root) user.)z \Xec*xU5u0ITPUB个人空间$?7M7H#j8W# $GRID_HOME/crs/install/roothas.pl
The expected result is "Successfully configured Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Standalone "ITPUB个人空间uTr2q\JK dG
3. Add ASM back to Oracle Restart configuration
This step should be performed as Grid Infrastructure owner (grid user).PF!T)xl'oSV0ITPUB个人空间h,o kM!kv7P]$ srvctl add asm
The expected result is no output, just a return to the operating system prompt.ITPUB个人空间,M1cv!m!x}'}"a$V)j-g]
4. Start up ASM instance
This step should be performed as Grid Infrastructure owner (grid user).JPVo!c$zf0ITPUB个人空间6K@Yib$ srvctl start asm
5. Recreate ASM server parameter file (SPFILE)jl6bt3w0
This step should be performed as Grid Infrastructure owner (grid user).L7r"A$ga%V1b0ITPUB个人空间E*}6dZNjv6j$BCreate a temporary initialization parameter file (e.g. /tmp/init+ASM.ora) with the following content (specify your own disk group names):ITPUB个人空间kb[+CHki7dn)@asm_diskgroups='DATA','RECO'N$|0pI/f0instance_type='asm'ITPUB个人空间u:mY'?!@YL.F BAj0flarge_pool_size=12MITPUB个人空间6K"}X.G yL?remote_login_passwordfile='EXCLUSIVE'
$ sqlplus / as sysasmITPUB个人空间2Uf&Xq#]R,~Uc%nITPUB个人空间AJ|:uCj8\7WSQL> alter diskgroup DATA mount;SPN^.ua }0_0Diskgroup altered.ITPUB个人空间'S^&MkM"~/q'sCITPUB个人空间y/NT.c&V G.lcSQL> create spfile='+DATA' from pfile='/tmp/init+ASM.ora';}F"L,l'^}*y0I)O2p0File created.Qu4iy!d#`F00R@Gk.c0SQL> show parameter spfileITPUB个人空间1L SY Y{ NAME TYPE VALUE.^ok ~QDp.T0------- ------- -------------------------------------------------4OQq${v9qT [n0spfile string +DATA/asm/asmparameterfile/registry.253.707737977
6. Restart HAS stackf5Ch%\[/|P(q0
crsctl stop hasITPUB个人空间s}:pn$Bc.BKcrsctl start has
7. Add components back to Oracle Restart Configuration
If you had the database, listener and other components, add them back to the Oracle Restart Configuration.ITPUB个人空间(S*SG&B&KJ:y7e(_7.1. Add database component
This step should be performed as RDBMS owner (oracle user).ITPUB个人空间WBwBa/`+`A-UITPUB个人空间6Y~9D'nEZa(wOusrvctl add database -d <db_unique_name> -o <oracle_home>
7.2. Add listener component
This step should be performed as Grid Infrastructure owner (grid user).(UZZ Ij,l_k0Q?dMy3h:B?SQC0srvctl add listener